From the book called " The Fashion Makers - A Photographic Record " by Walter Vecchio and Robert Riley, copyrighted in 1968, over 660 photographs and text potraying the garment industry's fierce circle of fashion makers from the cutting table to the runway.
A model heading to the Vogue studio...
The basters, finishers, pressers, and shippers are all part of the fashion circle...
A beautiful vintage coat...
These are just a few of my favorites. Thanks to serine23 at! I purchased this vintage book for $10.00 (my latest frugal find). Get your copy at any online or retail vintage bookstore, used at around $8.00 to new at around $147.00.
I am open to your suggestions and other frugal ideas. Please feel free to send me an email at [email protected] to share your thoughts and receive $5 .00 off any purchase from my eBay shops: shopninnalu (for designer or name brands, consignment & vintage items) or madpawshop (for all pre-loved items).