At Serenity Spa, Folsom Palladio, California
This spectacular crystal grotto experience was the highlight of my soul care. Thank you so much to Tammy, Chi Chi and Andrea for setting up this crystal healing session for me especially as I could not participate while laid down on the floor. They nicely accommodated me on a chair with a blanket and a lavender eye pillow. It was a spectacular feeling to be in this room with the other women of this retreat as I felt that immediate connection. We were led by Tami to focus our awareness to each part of our body with a hyper-focus on our womb. As women, we tend to neglect ourselves as we go on our daily living, and with all the past womb trauma I have gone through, two abortions, two miscarriages one of which was a missed miscarriage, and lastly my other baby, Trinity Marie who I gave birth to at six months, my spirit babies are still speaking to me through my womb. Setting them free will set myself free. I felt two explicit pops in my back during this experience, my back released the stress as well.

Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar - Ayurvedic Healing
I was fortunate enough to receive an initial Ayurvedic consultation from Dr. Suhas. I previously provided my date of birth, the city I was born and the approximate time. With that information, he was able to pull my medical astrology chart during my ayurvedic consultation. After some discussion of my past, I am to research Lord Shiva. Repeat a daily affirmation and mantra as well as take herbal supplements. I look forward to my next follow up Dr. Suhas!!!

Chi Chi led us to creating our very own haku headdress for the evening's Goddess Circle.
Overall is was the best way for myself to practice self love and self care on this beautiful Sunday.
Worth every penny. Worthy for my soul.
Thank you so much for reading.
~ marissa