Raising a puppy into a healthy dog isn’t necessarily going to be easy, but that doesn’t make it any less fun. Your dog will be your new best friend in no time, but if you’re going to raise them to be healthy, then you need to be in the know about what’s best for them. There’s a lot of discipline involved from both you and your dog, and that can take some time to learn, especially if you find it hard to resist the wants of a puppy!
It’s important that you learn fast, too, because training starts almost as soon as you take them in. They learn best when they’re puppies, and you’ll have a much easier time getting them used to things the earlier you introduce them.
The right diet
If there’s one thing that’s crucial to your puppy’s health, it’s the diet that you feed them. It’s easy to give in and share your food with your puppy, and they’ll let you know that they want it - but you should avoid doing this if possible. There are many foods that you might eat on a daily basis that are great for you, but toxic and dangerous for your pet. Even if it’s not toxic, it might overall not be the best option for raising a healthy dog.
Instead, you should try to keep them on a strict dog food diet. It doesn’t have to be boring food, though, and there are plenty of great options out there. Take the best chicken dog food, for example, it’s a great treat and it contains all of the goodness your dog needs.
Your dog’s dietary needs are going to change as they grow up, and it might be worth consulting your vet to see which is going to be best for them. Over or underfeeding them isn’t great for their health, so you have to be careful.
A safe home environment
The home they grow up in contributes to their health significantly, and there are plenty of things to look out for. While it’s not quite the same as having a baby, you still have to take some measures to ensure your puppy is happy and healthy. That means ensuring there are no sharp objects they can cut themselves on, chemicals, liquids, or foods that they can eat while you’re not looking, and so on. You might hope they would have the sense to avoid eating something bad for them, but many dogs will eat anything if they’re left untrained.
If your dog is going to grow up healthy, they need a space that’s free from hazards, clean, and has enough space for them to move around in. Along with that, they’ll need a comfortable bed to sleep in every night. Many dog owners allow their dogs to sleep on the bed with them, but if you would prefer against that - you should teach them to sleep in their own bed while they’re younger. Beware, you’ll soon have to replace it, puppies grow up very fast!
Great training
As mentioned before, training is something that you’ll need to do early on, and it can help your dog in many ways. While it might feel like you’re being tough on them, dogs often tend to lack impulse control if you leave them untrained - which can put their health at risk. They need the training to avoid hazards in areas where you cannot control them. You won’t have to worry about them eating anything they shouldn’t while you’re out and about. You’ll also know that they’ll come back to you when you call them - making it much easier to avoid danger while they’re not on a lead.
Socialize your dog as a puppy
A lot of the time, when it comes to dogs, other dogs can pose a threat. Not every dog is properly trained, and nor are they aware of how to act around other dogs. It can be hard for a dog to learn this, which is why it’s important that you socialize your puppy as soon as your vet gives you the go-ahead.
It’s not just other dogs, but strangers too. If they’re nervous around strangers and dogs, it may cause them to lash out when they’re afraid. The last thing you want is for your dog to bite someone, or attack another dog - when it could have been avoided if you socialized them sooner! On top of that, your dog will be much happier for it.