Welcome to a new blog series called Meet The Maker and for this very first introduction, I have the pleasure of featuring the creator of these beautifully handcrafted bath and body products from Maritza of Body By Keke. I meet so many wonderful makers in person and virtually that I decided to feature each one I meet on my blog. I have tried her colorful and fragrant soaps, and the body balm. My favorite is her Hamsa shaped soap.
Below are five questions that I asked her and here are her answers:
1) How and when did you get started as a creator/maker? And why?
When I had my son (child #3) we decided that it would be best if I stayed home instead of working a full-time job. Not having to worry about childcare and being able to fully be present for my family was a complete blessing. But, after a while I started to feel like I was losing who I was. I was losing my sense of individuality and my value. I was depressed and really looked for validation in others. I needed to create something that was mine and feel like I was contributing to our finances. I also realized that I had no idea how to take care of myself and how to meet my needs. I didn't know what it was that I needed to feel happy. One day my daughters had the idea to start making body scrubs to sell. I thought it was a great idea for them so I jumped in to help them get started. Before I knew it, what started as a little side hustle for the girls turned into Body by Keke (named after a nickname we gave our oldest daughter). Today, Body by Keke has a variety of bath and body products with the goal of helping YOU create the self-care ritual that is perfect for you.